Larsen Cello Magnacore C
Experience a new freedom of expression without a compromise in power. Well suited to both older Italian as well as modern instruments. For the gourmet musician experimenting with new combinations of sound texture and colour. The Magnacore Medium configuration offers a wonderfully sonorous and broad sound with a unique ease of playability which is particularly suited to cellos with a neutral to bright timbre.
The Magnacore A and D are made on a solid steel core and wound with high quality precision rolled flat wire. Magnacore G and C and Arioso strings are made on a concentric multistranded steel core and wound with high grade tungsten and precision rolled flat wire.
Magnacore C produces an incredibly warm and focused sound offering a wealth of overtones, tremendous volume and exceptional string response – even when played in pianissimo. Playing-in time has been reduced to an absolute minimum to deliver outstanding string performance instantly.